PTA Supermassive Black Holes Single Source to GWB


This tutorial was generated from a Jupyter notebook that can be downloaded here.

Here we run through a simple example of making a gravitational wave skymap that calculates the gravitational waves strain and the time of arrival perturbation of pulsar pulses.

import matplotlib
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import healpy as hp
%config InlineBackend.figure_format = 'retina'
from gw_sky import gwsky
pop = gwsky.smbbh_pop()
L = 20
costh = np.random.uniform(-1,1,size= L-3)
th = np.arccos(costh)
ph = np.random.uniform(0,2*np.pi,size= L-3)
th = np.append([np.pi/2,np.pi/4,np.pi/2+0.1],th)
ph = np.append([0,3*np.pi/2,np.pi-0.1],ph)
gw = []
for ii in range(L):
    freq = pop['GWFreq'][ii]
    h = -pop['Strain'][ii] # Strains are saved as negative values for some reason...
t = np.linspace(0,12.9*365.25*24*3600,200)
NSIDE = 32
NPIX = hp.nside2npix(NSIDE)
IPIX = np.arange(NPIX)
theta, phi = hp.pix2ang(nside=NSIDE,ipix=IPIX)
sky = gwsky.GWSky(gw,theta,phi)
#One can either
# str = sky.strain(t)
res = sky.residuals(t)
(12288, 20, 200)
hp.mollview(res[:,0,0], cbar=False,title='',cmap='BuPu')
hp.mollview(np.sum(res[:,:,0],axis=1), cbar=False,title='',cmap='BuPu')
yr_in_sec = 365.25*24*3600

The following are convenience functions for plotting.

def maxmin(array):
    """Return the max an min of an array."""
    return array.max(), array.min()

def gw_sum(array, n='all'):
    Convenience function to return either a single source,
    sum of a list of sources indicated by index or all summed sources.
    if n=='all':
        return np.sum(array,axis=1)
    elif isinstance(n,list):
        return np.sum(array[:,n,:],axis=1)
    elif isinstance(n,int):
        return array[:,n,:]

The following method plots individual GW sources and sums of GW sources frame by frame for use in animations.

def plot_gw(residuals,
    ii = 0
    for p in psrs:
        res = gw_sum(residuals,n=p)
        Max, Min = maxmin(res)
        idx1 = 9000
        idx2 = 6500
        idx3 = 2500

        if p=='all':
            space = 0.01*2*(res[idx1,:].max()+res[idx2,:].max()+res[idx3,:].max())
            space = 0.1*2*(res[idx1,:].max()+res[idx2,:].max()+res[idx3,:].max())
        shifts = [np.abs(res[idx1,:].min())+ res[idx2,:].max() + space,
                  res[idx2,:].min() - res[idx3,:].max() - space]

        for n in range(Nt):
            fig, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(2, 1, figsize=[9,9],
                                           gridspec_kw={'height_ratios': [2, 1]})
            # Plot the sky map
            hp.mollview(res[:,n], cbar=False,title='',cmap='BuPu',min=Min,max=Max, hold=True)

            # Plot the stars on the sky map

            # Plot the traces on the traceplot. Shift by the amount calculated above.
            ax2.plot(t/yr_in_sec,res[idx1,:]+shifts[0],color='C0', lw=2)
            ax2.plot(t/yr_in_sec,res[idx2,:]+shifts[1],color='C1', lw=2)
            ax2.plot(t/yr_in_sec,res[idx3,:]+shifts[2],color='C3', lw=2)

            # Plot the stars on the trace plot

            # Plot the verticle line that shows the current time.
            ax2.axvline(t[n]/yr_in_sec, linewidth=0.7,color='k')
            ax2.set_ylabel(r'Gravitational Wave Strain',fontsize=12)
#             ax2.set_ylabel(r'Change in Arrival Time',fontsize=12)
            if isinstance(p,int):
                N = 1
            elif isinstance(p,list):
                N = len(p)
            elif p=='all':
                N = L
            ax2.set_title('Number of Gravitational Waves Sources: {0}'.format(N))
            fig.text(x=0.64,y=0.12,s='Image Credit: Jeffrey S. Hazboun')
            box = ax2.get_position()

            box.y0 = box.y0 + 0.051
            box.y1 = box.y1 + 0.051

            if action=='save':
                plt.savefig('{0}_{1}.png'.format(name,ii), dpi=171, bbox_inches='tight')
            elif action=='show':


The above script will iterate through the sky maps to make as many animations as you would like. Use a list of either integers, list of integers or the string 'all'. An individual index will return a single source, a list of indices will add togethers those sources and 'all' will sum all the sources. Nt is the number of frames in the animation and will error if you exced the number of time steps in the array.

Below we use the action='show' kwarg to show the plots.

plot_gw(res, psrs=[0,1,[0,1],2,[0,1,2],'all'], Nt=1, action='show')#
_images/pta_smbbh_19_0.png _images/pta_smbbh_19_1.png _images/pta_smbbh_19_2.png _images/pta_smbbh_19_3.png _images/pta_smbbh_19_4.png _images/pta_smbbh_19_5.png

Executing the following cell would with the action='show' kwarg will save the plots to the 'PLOT_DIR' directory with file names 'gwb_full_0.pdf' and so forth.

# plot_gw(res,psrs=[0,1,[0,1],2,[0,1,2],'all'], Nt=200, action='save', name='./PLOT_DIR/gwb_full')#

Making Animations

The following cells require the package ffmpeg which can be installed via conda or your favorite package manager for c code.

The next cell makes an mp4 movie out of the frames saved above.

#! ffmpeg -r 18 -f image2 -s 1920x1080 -i one_source_%d.png -vcodec libx264 -crf 15  -pix_fmt yuv420p one_source.mp4

The following two cells make a gif from the frames saved above.

The next cell makes a color palette for use in a complex filter. This makes the gif much cleaner looking.

#! ffmpeg -i gwb_full_%d.png -vf palettegen palette.png

The next cell uses the pallete file made above and the frames to make a animated gif.

#! ffmpeg -y -i gwb_full_%d.png -i palette.png -filter_complex "fps=45,scale=1032:-1:flags=lanczos[x];[x][1:v]paletteuse" gwb_full.gif